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Dynamic Schedule Optimization vs Static Base Schedules

The goal of dynamic scheduling is to optimally match the availability of sales associates with the demand for customer service resulting from customer traffic.

Typically this involves forecasting customer traffic by quarter hour, then calculating the number of sales associates needed to satisfy the forecasted customer traffic , and finally composing weekly associate schedules that match the calculated requirements as closely as possible.  Of course when composing weekly associate schedules work rules and associate preferences, availability and time off requests must also be considered.

The goal of base scheduling is to provide stable and consistent associate schedules, with minimal week to week changes, that provide staffing levels by time of day (typically opening, mid-day and closing) that match an average demand forecast over a multi-week period.  Base schedules normally include weekly rotation of weekend and late night shifts.

Depending on the type of business and management objectives the best approach for a specific organization may involve all dynamic, all base or a combination of dynamic and base schedules.

Dynamic Schedules

Factors that favor dynamic scheduling include:

  • An active promotional calendar with frequent events that involve significant day to day fluctuations in customer traffic and early openings and/or late closings.
  • A workforce that includes a relatively high percentage of part time associates.
  • An environment where detailed product knowledge is less critical.
Static Schedules

Factors that favor static (base) schedules:

  • A workforce that includes a relatively high percentage of full time associates.
  • A limited promotional calendar.
  • Associate responsibilities that include activities other than direct customer service such as client outreach and personal shopping.
  • Requirements for a high level of product knowledge.

The QServ system is particularly well suited to both scheduling approaches or an approach that includes a mix of static schedules for full time associates and dynamic schedules for part time and short hour associates. 

Dynamic Schedule Optimization

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