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Company Account Overview

To set up a company account you must first register.  If you have not previously registered please go to the user registration form and register as a guest. 

If you have not accessed the demonstration database we recommend that you download a copy of QServ WFM and access the demonstration database to evaluate whether QServ WFM is right for your organization before establishing a company account.

If you are registered you can establish a company account by completing the account set up form.  Upon submission of the set up form Focus Systems will begin the process of provisioning a blank database on the cloud server. This process can take up to several hours, but normally is completed in a matter of minutes.

Once provisioning of the database is complete an email will be sent containing the Company ID and Company Password for your database.

A QServ WFM user account will be added to the new database with your user name and password as part of the provisioning process .  This QServ WFM user account will have full administrative privileges.

Additional users can be provided access to your company database by registering as a company user with the Company ID and Company Password provided to you.



  1. Register as Guest.
  2. Download QServ WFM.
  3. Access the QServ Demonstration database and evaluate suitablity.


  1. Set up a Company Account.
  2. Configure the Company database.
  3. Enable access for other members of your organization.
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