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Platform Options

The QServ Workforce Manager can be implemented on an in-house server that is managed by your internal IT staff or in the Cloud using the Microsoft Azure cloud service.

In-House Server

If your organization elects to implement QServ WFM on an in-house server the server must be Microsoft Sql Server 2012 or later.

The appropriate edition (Enterprise, Standard or Express) depends on the number of associates, number of users, number of locations, data retention period, the organization’s objectives for response time and other factors.

The Express edition is available for free from Microsoft, is fully functional and will accommodate databases up to 10GB. In most cases this would provide sufficient capacity for an organization with up to five locations and up to 250 associates.

The installation of Sql Server Express involves several steps. This video should help when installing Sql Server Express.

Azure Cloud Server

There are three Microsoft Azure Sql Database Service Tiers: Basic, Standard and Premium.

The Standard and Premium tiers include options providing differing levels of performance and capacity as measured in DTUs (Database Transaction Units) and database size. Learn more about Azure Sql Database pricing tiers here.

QServ provides reports to monitor database size so typically users can start with the Basic option and monitor database size and response time and then use the Azure Portal to increase capacity as needed.

View this YouTube Video to learn how to set up a free trial Azure subscription and create a Sql Server to host your QServ application database.

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